Scrambled Pancakes

Scrambled Pancakes

Scrambled Pancakes

1. Mix your favorite pancake mix, we ya bisquick (follow directions in the box) Add in 1/4 c of cinnamon and sugar and 1 tsp of vanilla extract. Dye with your favorite color. (Be sure to add extra milk to thin your mix a bit)

2. Add 1-2 tbsp of butter to a frying pan. Pour in some batter and continue to stir as you would a scrambled egg. Cool your batter I still solid scrambled pancakes form. Remove into bowl and keep cooking more batter until all batter is scrambled. Don’t forget to add 1-2 tbsp of butter with each pan fry to keep batter from sticking.

3. Top your scrambled pancakes with powdered sugar, Brown sugar, syrup, chocolate chips, nuts or any other of your favorite toppings. We also like to drizzle them sometimes with a little extra butter. Mmmm

Other ideas...we have tried adding breakfast meats to our mix and it’s soooooo good. Makes for a nice sweet and savory dish. My favorite is fried ham. We have tried ham, bacon, sausage and spam so far.

Enjoy!!! These are fun to serve on Valentine’s Day and any other day you want a simple and fast breakfast.

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